

Kubernetes follows a master/worker architecture. Master Node is the control plane which contains the components that make global decisions about the cluster, apiserver exposes Kubernetes API, etcd is used as the backing store for all cluster data, controller-manager is responsible for running all controllers(Node Controller, Replication Controller, Endpoints Controller, Service Account & Token Controllers, etc). Worker Node is the server where containers are deployed, kubelet is an agent running on each worker node and ensures that all containers are running and stay healthy. kube-proxy enables the Kubernetes service abstraction by maintaining network rules on the host and performing connection forwarding.


Spark also uses a master/worker architecture. Each Spark application runs independently, the driver program is responsible for coordinating/scheduling executors and tasks. When the a Spark application is submitted, the SparkContext object in driver program will connect to cluster manager and ask for executors, after executors are assigned, SparkContext will send application code and tasks instruction to executors for further computation.

Spark on Kubernetes

When a Spark application is submitted to the Master Node of Kubernetes cluster, a driver pod will be created first. Once the driver pod is up and running, it will communicate back to Master Node and asks for executor pods creation, once the executor pods are created, they will communicate with driver pod and start accepting tasks.

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